Learning how to budget and optimise in Microsoft Azure
With the world starting to use Azure services prominently, the flexibility to scale up and down has been an advantage. However, working without limits and a proper cost estimation leads to additional expenditures affecting the profitability of the organization.
Hence resulting into cost management as an essential skill that organizations need to leverage.
What is Azure Cost Management?
To leverage the costs spent, Azure offers the Cost Management service which provides insight into expenditures and cost utilization performed by the organization across the various Azure services and marketplace products.
The access to this service is free for customers and offers insight reports on the ongoing utilization, cost, data and other services in use by the organization.
The service also helps to understand the cost and expenditures and provides suggestions on cost-cutting methods.
Essential Features an of Azure Cost Management
Benefits of Azure Cost Management
How to manage costs
Organizations alongside using Cost Management can also make sure they follow other methods.
How to optimize Azure costs with Azure Cost Management
Azure Cost Management Cost Analysis
Azure Cost Analysis (ACC) is a feature by Azure and a part of the Cost Management tool helps the organization or user to monitor, allocate and optimize cost of Azure resources.
The service provides an in-depth analysis of Azure spending and an easy breakdown of the Azure resources usage and cost. Additionally, Cost Analysis is not just a static report but an interactive tool allowing the organization to breakdown the data and explore from different angles and perspectives.
Azure Cost Analysis includes cot analysis charts, cost filters and cost alerts, allowing to understand the spending patterns and finding opportunities for cost savings.
Benefits of Azure Cost Analysis
Azure Advisor
Azure advisor is a digital cloud assistant allowing organization or a user to follow the best practices to optimize Azure deployments. It helps analyse your resource configuration and usage telemetry to recommend solutions that help improve cost effectiveness, performance, reliability, and security of Azure resources.
Advisor helps the organization or user to-
1- Get proactive, actionable and personalized best practices and recommendations.
2- Get recommendations with proposed actions inline.
Advisor can be accessed through the Azure portal.
Recommendations given by Azure are divided in 5 categories, which are
5- Operational Excellence
Filters can be applied on Advisor to display recommendations for specific subscriptions and resource types.
Azure Pricing Calculator
The Azure Pricing calculator helps understand the moving workloads to Azure Cloud. Azure pricing is estimated once all data and applications are on Azure. Different pricing categories for different configurations and sizes of Azure virtual machines (AVM), accounting for memory, CPU, location, storage and hours of usage are made available.
The pricing calculator provides an estimation of a complete situation using a combination of the Azure services. Organizations cam then make an informed decision when considering a shift to the Azure cloud or expanding their presence in Azure.
The pricing calculator also provides a Total Cost of Ownership calculator, which helps define workloads, set assumptions and generate economic analysis of the total cost of Azure deployment in different situations.
Azure services are widely used by numerous organizations. The cost analysis of the services and monitoring and optimizing them are the most significant part of a business. Gaining insights into the costing helps an organization decide implement cost effective methods to make sure the organization functions well and delivers quality results which help benefit the company.